Welcome to Our Creative Voice
Creativity is for everyone. Creativity brings us together. Creativity makes our world better.
Art and creativity are important to everyone in society. They bring significant benefits to us all as individuals and as communities.
Created by BAFTA winning animator Will Anderson, our animations feature the voices of people from across Scotland, telling us all about the difference creativity makes to their lives.
Listen to their creative voices, then visit our About page to find out more about the Our Creative Voice initiative.
Our Creative Voice seeks to enhance understanding and appreciation of the value of art and creativity in all our lives.
We want to increase interest in the arts and, importantly, encourage participation in artistic and creative activity across society, particularly for those who do not participate or are excluded.
Join us and become a part of #OurCreativeVoice
Tha Ar Guth Cruthachail ag amas air luach nan ealan agus obair chruthachail ann am beatha gach duine a’ leudachadh agus a’ tuigsinn nas fheàrr.
Tha sinn airson ùidh a bhrosnachadh anns na h-ealain, agus gu h-àraid, barrachd dhaoine a bhith an-sàs ann an tachartasan cruthachail anns gach roinn den t-sluaigh, nam measg, iadsan nach eil a’ gabhail pàirt gu cunbhalach, no air a bheil bacadh.
Thig còmhla rinn - gabh pàirt ann an #OurCreativeVoice
Help us build awareness of the value of art and creativity, show the benefit of public funding and champion everyone’s right to access creative experiences.
Get involved, raise your voice and tell the story by using our Toolkit.
Explore stories from across Scotland that show the power and impact of the arts.
Research demonstrates the crucial role of creativity in our lives.
Download our fact files and discover the data on topics including education, the economy, health, diversity, the environment and community.
Our quote wall features creative voices from across the arts in Scotland showing what creativity means to them.